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Re: Re: How long to get to Cincy from Philly?

From: Jan Folkson <jfolkson@optonline.net>
Date: 2005/03/01 Tue PM 04:31:39 EST
To: Mike Smith <smithma7@gmail.com>, scirocco list <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Subject: Re: How long to get to Cincy from Philly?

Springtime, when a young man's fancy turns to driving old VWs really, really
fast and getting chased by helicopters and forcing off-duty troopers to the
back of the line :)

Who's been following me?!  :P - - 

Fella in the plane called my car an SUV!  What?!  You got the wrong guy, I say.  He replied, no, he told me it was gray, you were the only gray car, and then he confirms it once I am behind you...  Okie fine...

I guess he assumed it was an SUV, he clocked me at 96.  Even suprised me, my speedo was not working well at the time...  $303.00 later...  :-(

David  <--- Already attending VWs Anonymous, seriously considering Speeders Anonymouns...

'83 GTI, Daily Driver...
'87 16V, parts car
'82 pickup, 2.0 16V, collecting dust...

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