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[SPAM] Re: 8V Cylinder head P/N help

No way - did you try getting your quote from FedEx Ground? IME, they destroy UPS on weight...give it a try.
Besides, isn't the cost of shipping worth not having to pull it 
yo'sef??  :)  From another angle, if you're that hyped on that 
particular head, I would recommend getting the head from Gordy and the 
block from somewhere closer (where I would assume you can a bit more 
selective). Also, did you check the Vortex yet?

Ron Pieper wrote:

--- Drew <drew@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca> wrote:
What kind of head are you
looking for?  I'm pretty sure that the 2H head is the same as the head
on the PF and RV engines (A2 digifant)
It appears that I'm looking for one cast with 026 103 373 AA, with the mounting points on the rear
for the Digifant fuel rail.

Gordy has one but it's in Oregon, so shipping would be a lot (I'm considering his 2H block and
engine).  Still have to get quotes, but it's enough to make my butt pucker just thinking about it.

(Like it does when I think about you, big guy ;)



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