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RE: Little booboo

Looks fine to me.


-----Original Message-----
From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org] On Behalf Of Neptuno
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 1:43 PM
To: Roger concha; Scirocco list
Subject: Re: Little booboo

Damn Roger!!!

Took a good hit there

Roger concha <rogercv1@gmail.com> wrote:
here are some pics of the aftermath.

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 00:16:36 -0500, Roger concha wrote:
Well I was heading to hooters to meet up with some friends cruising down the highway I go to switch lanes and low and behold there is some
debris on the road I try to avoid it but still managed to hit it. Soon
as I hit it car starts to shake and I know that I have blown out the right front tire so I carefully maneuver to the shoulder to inspect the damage, yup tire is flat but I dont see any damage to the outside of tire so I figured it was on the inside. Go to pull the spare and jack out and realize I don't have a lug nut wrench in the car DOH!!!!!. Hit up my friend on the nextel he has 2 roccos and a caddy and ask him to bring me a wrench and he has the bright idea to also bring me one of my summer 17" rims so that I don't have to ride on the
space saver spare. Pull the tear drop off and notice that it's bent to
hell on the inside tire has no damage at all. Put the 17" on and finally make it to Hooters stay there about two hours when I come out I notice that the right rear tire is almost flat HOLY MOTHER OF GOD so
I ride to gas station on corner and fill it up with air and make it home.
Now does anyone have a 14" tear drop that they would sell me 
preferably somewhere close to Maryland.

now we resume your regularly scheduled program already in progress.

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