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Re: UK Mk 1 For Sale

Soooooper clean low mileage Mk 1 'roc FS in the UK:


Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'81 Scirocco S               '85 Scirocco 8v
'86 Scirocco 8v              '88 Scirocco 16v
'88 Scirocco Slegato *coming soon*
'96 Passat GLX Wagon         '56 Cessna 172
The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts -
Ehrlich's Law.

Looks *just a bit* better than my River Blue '80 eh? That colour actually
looks pretty good on it. No wonder it has no miles on it, there aren't
many rain free days in the UK from what I understand. You bidding on it? I
hear Mark has a tow boat....:)

"It's not the result of when you get there, it's everything that can happen along the way" (some surfer dude on the Discovery Channel)

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