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Re: WWOT: Brian's Life

Heh heh, didn't Monte Python already make this movie?  ;])

Good opportunity, remember Order from Chaos is a worthy undertaking.

I can see not wanting to reveal too many details about some one else's operation but (with their permission) you might want to detail some of the work you do. (This thought is going to diverge here as it is spawning new thoughts as I type.)
Keeping a journal or shop diary will be invaluable, I would think.  A 
ledger would help with time and material accounting, pays off when you 
go to get airborne, as well as a diary of sorts. You'll likely remember 
each and every car you touch, but progress can seem incremental and 
it'll be good to look back and review, plan the next step.
The original, even selfish, thought was to get us some pictures, 
descriptions of the inventory. All of us here, to one degree or another, 
are envious and vicarious about other's good fortune with automobiles- 
the more exotic and well engineered the better.
Check and see what might be an appropriate correspondent worthy example 
or two to keep us up to date on.
It won't be Scirocco specific but _it_is_ restoration and we may all 
learn something. I submit Kirsten & Dan's recent saga of mind over "I've 
been thinkin' about doing sumthin', one of dese days..." as a perfect 
example of something useful for the greater community to be involved in 
that the particular individual may not undertake directly.

I'm a talky guff but I send your family a "Hey!" and remind your spouse that opportunities lead to other opportunities. Do your best and let life happen as it will.
Life; It's what happens while your waiting around for something to 
happen, so don't wait around.

and give em a hug and a kiss for me.

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