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Re: Ebay MKI Scirocco - not mine

Not a bad car!  The photographer/ebay seller needs a slap upside the head for posting so many
redundant photos tho...

What else could have 240K, be that old, and look that good?



--- carol eller <carolscustomcreations@msn.com> wrote:
 Now see there?  If jb cunt hadn't screwed us, I could buy that car!  And
get a ride along out to Reno, and drive it back!  HUMPH!  Btw, will reply to
the wonderful notes in a bit.  trying to clean and get rid of some of this
aggression.  That way, I can start some quilt projects that I need to work
on and get even more out.  You should see me with a rotary cutter!  Don't be
near me when I'm cutting material!!!!  You MIGHT get hurt!  LOL!

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