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Cruise control (John S. Lagnese)

 >How do you remove the cruise contol set up from a 92 Jetta? My 92 
Jetta >Carat had a run in with my 23 year old son. Its now totaled in 
 >Portland, Maine. I was going to strip it down. I wasn't sure what was 
 >involved. I know about the turn signal, and the physical setup on top 
 >of the engine. The control box is under the console. What else is >there?

   interestingly enough that was the topic of my next tutorial. have the 
pictures but don't have the text yet. you will need the following:

turn signal switch
control box
wiring harness
induction sender (on back of instrument cluster)
vacuum pump
vacuum diaphragm + mounting bracket + linkage rod
vacuum hoses + 't' & 'y' connectors
vacuum switches at pedal cluster + retaining clips (very important!)

   removal is straight forward except for the harness. i has one wire 
that connects into the yellow connector for the fuse box. i assume this 
is for the tach, though i'm not for sure. i do have the wiring diagram 
book for sciroccos if it'd be any help. everything should be plug-n-play 
and i plan on installing in my '85 in the very near future. good luck.

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