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Cam seal leaking - Hope to make it to Cincy.
Well we replaced for the 3rd time a new cam seal and now it is leaking more
than ever. Made a call to Autotech about their cam not sealing and compared
measurements. It measured about .006 smaller than it should so we supspected
that was the cause. Today I am having an exhaust cam overnighted to my
mechanics to be installed tomorrow (Thursday). The only other possibility is
that it is not spining true and causing a leak. Hopefullly this will solve
the problem, if not I don't know if I'll be making it to Cincy this year.
Anyone ever have a problem like this?
I'll keep everyone posted. I reeally would like to make it this year but
not if the car is not trusting.
On 5/31/05, Tonee Northam <pb3vr6@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Don't feel bad Don.
> Ellen's Corrado has a fuel leak somewhere around the paasenger seat,
> badly!
> So it's at our family mech right now. Plus a valve cover gasket.
> But you numbers look good.
> You'll be fine on the trip down.
> Tonee
> *Don Walter <dswalterwi@gmail.com>* wrote:
> Here's my address and numerous numbers.
> W250 S3161 Center Road
> Waukesha, WI 53189
> Home# 262-896-1819
> Cell#: 920-723-9573
> We will also have FRS radios as well with us.
> As for testing it against Ellen's I jus thoping to make it to Cincy right
> now. Its leaking oil for a cam seal that has already been replaced once and
> looks like it will be again on Wednesday. Also I''ll have brand new Kuhmo's
> SPT (replacing the escta 712's). I was pushing about 145 at the wheels when
> the fuel pump crapped out. Haven't had it dyno'd since I have had that
> repaired. But I could give a run for it.
> On 5/29/05, Tonee Northam <pb3vr6@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > Here's my address and numerous numbers:
> > 531 N. Kenilworth Ave.
> > Elmhurst, IL.
> > 60126-2088
> > hm# 630.834.2621
> > Tonee's cell- 708.899.6999
> > Ellen's cell-708.507.6998
> > Ellen's nextel- 630-327.2068
> > If Parker or anyone else is too exausted to drive once arriving at our
> > house, either Ellen or myself can take over driving their scirocco so they
> > can catch some zzzz's on the way to Dee's parents house.
> > Eric Person from Chicago(downtown) might hook up with us too. Maybe.
> > Currently I have Nate and Dan booked for beds here on Thursday night. I
> > have a nice leather couch left for anyone who wants it.
> > Otherwise we have cotts that are also available, why sleep on the floor
> > if you don't have too, right!
> > Seems that we have the largest caravan going to cincy right now.
> > As far as 2-way radios I believe Dan said he has 2 and Nate has 2, I
> > would like to make sure we have good communication on the trip incase of
> > unforseen problems.
> > Let me know if we need more, and we'll go buy another set.
> > Don, I can't wait to see what you've done to the car I almost bought,
> > and as far as speed, you can always test it out against Ellen's vr6
> > corrado(213hp/220tqe) before we leave. You'll have a lower gross weight
> > inwhich you could teach her a lesson with!
> > Any questions about staying over or plans for the way down, don't
> > hesitate to call us.
> > T and E
> >
> > *Nate Mellom <doubt@inwave.com>* wrote:
> >
> > Okay guys, lets see how this works.
> > I'm not far from Tonee (1.5 hours or so), so Friday morning ron-day-voo
> > should be easy. Parker is really far away, so a long Friday morning
> > drive is in store, unless you want to make the drive to my house
> > Thursday night, stay here, and we can jet to the Northam's first thing
> > Friday. It's really easy to get to my house, I'm literally 1 turn and
> > about 1 mile off of I-90. We all should get Tonee's vitals (name, rank,
> > serial number, address, phone, etc) so we actually know where to meet up
> > My cell is 608-295-6934
> > Nate
> >
> >
> >
> > *"Leave the mechanicals to the Germans, The Japanese will fix the
> > wipers"*
> > **
> > *Drive German___Eat Rice *
> > **
> > **
> > **
> >
> --
> Don Walter - Waukesha, WI
> 1986 2.0L 16V TEC 2 Black Scirocco (see progress at
> http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/708939)
> 1986 2L 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (under repair)
> 1988 1.8 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (sold on 3/29/04)
> 1984 1.8 8V Pewter Scirocco (sold years ago)
> 1971 Karman Ghia (sold)
> 1969 Karman Ghia (sold)
> 1969 Beetle (sold)
> *"Leave the mechanicals to the Germans, The Japanese will fix the
> wipers"*
> **
> *Drive German___Eat Rice *
> **
> **
> **
Don Walter - Waukesha, WI
1986 2.0L 16V TEC 2 Black Scirocco (see progress at
1986 2L 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (under repair)
1988 1.8 16V Toronado Red Scirocco (sold on 3/29/04)
1984 1.8 8V Pewter Scirocco (sold years ago)
1971 Karman Ghia (sold)
1969 Karman Ghia (sold)
1969 Beetle (sold)