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Alternator bolt question
Your Rocco needs a hitch so you can hang these:
Dan Bubb <jdbubb@verizon.net> wrote:
an 8mm triple square (inner CV bolt) hammered into a rounded 6mm hex bolt
will sometimes work.
Don't know if there's space in this application for the longer socket or
even room to hammer it in.
I know your frustration.
Sit down, have a beer and yell "Balls!" really loudly.
Sometimes that helps ;^)
----- Original Message -----
From: "C Boyko"
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 2:49 PM
Subject: RE: Re: Alternator bolt question
> On 2:08:56 pm 07/22/05 "Jim Ruffi" wrote:
>> A little pick tool, available at the parts store, can be used to
>> scrape the dirt out of the head, which will allow you get that wrench
>> as far in as possible. There are about a million other uses for the
>> little pick, my favorite of which is locating a hole when you're
>> trying to bolt something through carpeting and can't find the hole
>> you just drilled.
>> Like this one:
>> http://www.ipdusa.com/productscat.aspx?CategoryID=143&NodeID=4583&Root
>> ID=629
> I have the pick (a genuine Snap-On at that) used it, kroiled, hammered in
> the socket, loosened the shaft part by moving the alternator up and down,
> turned the wrench and it didn't snap. It rounded. By now I'm pretty
> confident that it would have done so for anyone, (perhaps it was
> pre-rounded by my nephew's previous eforts on the car) I DO know how to
> remove a bucket bolt, or at least I tend to snap rather than round them.
> So
> I've tried using a cold chisel to make a slot, and struck it again at an
> angle to jar it loose, still won't move, and I have no clearance to get my
> vice grips on it, that is, if I could find them, the kid has them
> somewhere. Sorry to rant, I have just totally had it with cars, I spend
> all
> my free time on them, and this one will cost me two tows and a pile of
> money. Maybe I should just go for the tow, the price of scrap is up after
> all.
> Oh, and hubby just headed out in the POS Jetta, it hasn't seen road time
> for two months, due to the need of what you may ask? Oh, an alternator.
> Yeah, he'll kill it. Not that I care in any way about that one.
> Cathy
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