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I hate to have to show this, but.....
Im glad you chimed in. I am now going to place this little bit on the Vortex, bUt should I do it on the scirocco or corrado forums?
The wolfves there in the "tex" should have a hay day with this.
thougth I place it here in private first (~evil Grin~)
El Tony
Tonee Northam <pb3vr6@yahoo.com> wrote:
I'd need the extra wing to beat some sense into him with.
Thats what he gets for sniffing 3M adhesive remover!
Neptuno <neptunonc@yahoo.com> wrote:
I know some of you own Corrados, but I bet none of you would do to it what I found. Ok so Im looking at ebay and I see this......
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