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Hella H4 low beam as high beam?
the metal and glass parts should hold up to 55 and 60
watt at the same time, but using 100 or 130w high
beams is stress on the system anyways... using them at
the same time may melt something, i can't expirement
naymore, my lights are plastic now!! :(
--- Larry Fry <rocco16@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > Why not run a dual low/high system ???
> The only reason I can think of is that you could
> get ticketed for failing
> to dim your lights for oncoming cars. The cop
> doesn't know that the inners
> are really just low beams.
> Also, someone mentioned running high and low beams
> at the same time (in the
> same bulb).
> I've thought about doing that, but that's an AWFUL
> lot of heat,
> especially if you are running 80/100 or higher
> wattages. I doubt the lenses
> and/or reflectors would stand up to many minutes of
> that. I know any
> plastic bulb connectors would give up...I've melted
> some with just a 130W
> high on.
> Larry
> sandiego16v
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