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Its not an A2 thing - the Scirocco I, II and Corrado all have lower
rooflines and the seat brackets are therefore lower. A1 Rabbits and Jettas
have the same height brackets as A2s - thats why seats between A1 & A2 cars
swap so easily - except for the Sciroccos and Corrados.
> I had them in my 82'. They were the ones from a Jetta GTX. I didn't like
> them at all. While the bigger bolsters are nice, they sat WAY to high for
> rocco. The A2 seat tracks were slightly diferent(height wise).
> I vote rocco or raddo seats.
> -George
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- Recaro's
- From: tyrone27 at gmail.com (Derrick floyd)
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- From: scourge at cogeco.ca (Scourge)
- References:
- Recaro's
- From: sciroccodriver at hotmail.com (Jason Miller)
- Recaro's
- From: scourge at cogeco.ca (Scourge)