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"winterizing" in summer
On 7/1/05, GREG DUNN <greggearhead@adelphia.net> wrote:
> For 7 weeks. Don't sweat it. I have bought and sold so many old VWs it
> isn't funny. I have seen them sit for years, and start on the first try.
> Is it the best, no, but for 7 weeks, it won't even notice. If it is a crazy
> humid place, it won't hurt to start it to circulate the oil, but only if it
> gets fully up to operating temps to boil off the moisture in the air inside
> the engine. Too much hassle for me to worry about.
> gd
Well, this is a pretty nice example of a mk1 and I like to take the
best care of it that I can so that it's at least preserved in it's
current state (at least until I have the money to get it as close to
perfect as I can). My last Scirocco was more of a beater (mechanically
great, but "cosmetically challeneged") and I didn't bother with it
when I left, just made sure to give it a nice long idle/drive when I
got back.
For this one I'm pretty anal about its care cause I've already seen
some decline in its apprearance and I'd like to keep that to an
absolute minimum (luckily the mechanical aspect has been solid with my
brand of maintenance). I probably sound pretty silly being this
protective of a car, but to me this is the ultimate car for me to own
right now and will be the ultimate care for me to own ever once I get
done with it (hopefully with Dan's help as I would like to turbo the
8v thats in it). Besides, I'm sure most of you understand being
protective of a car you love.
Ok, so reading back on this I'm rambling a bit. I've had a couple
drinks so well... that's what I do. Anyway, I'd probably not worry
about it if it were any other car, but this one is close to being
pristine, and I don't want that to change. I should probably rename
this "an ode to my car" in the hopes that she will be good while I'm