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Re: Stake your axle nuts!

On Sat, 1 Jan 2005 15:21:18 -0500, Peter <peter@thescirocco.com> wrote:
Did the hubs slide in easily, when you installed them?
The hub is an intereference-fit, and shouldn't just slide into place.

The only time, I've had the axle nut work loose, was from the hub being worn
out, from the bad bearing, that I replaced, on a 16V Scirocco.

The hub/bearing was fine - it came from my totally stripped 81 S
(which just went to the junkyard yesterday), and had less than 5000 km
on it.  There was no play in the bearing either.  As soon as I get
over this flu I'll rip into it and see if I can figure out what
happened...  I've never had an axle nut loosen on me before though, so
I'm curious as to what happened...  Anyone else have this happen to


80 S
81 Caddy - Sold
90 Audi Coupe Quattro - 10vt

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