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Attention MAryland, Northern Virginia Listers, BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DONT!

First let me apologies to the rest of the list for taking the space since I am only posting for these folks. Ok now that I have your attention!!!!

There is a VW GTG that happens in Burtonsville, MD. it is held in a parking lot for a starbucks coffee shop. That is about 45 minutes from me. Some of you have heard me talking about a 12 step program for Scirocco addicts in the area. In any case I figure this could be a good time and opportunity to accomplish a preliminary Scirocco Addict society meeting.

I have checked with addicts in the West mister are of MD and it is 45 min to them, also another crack head ( I mean car head) in Rockville, MD and that is about 45 min to them. I know we have a couple in Towson, Baltimore, Anapolis, and NOVA

So how about it people ? Friday, January 14. Embrace your addiction

thank you,
El Tony

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