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Help Timbo Decide...
On 8:50:46 am 12/31/05 Ron Pieper <rapieper@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I agree with Chris, if you have the urge to see something new, then
> go for it. > You never know until you know...and you'll regret NOT doing
this more
> than you'll ever regret doing it...go...
> Ron
> --- Chris Bennett <scirocco16vr32@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You ask this of me? ROFLMAO.
> >
> > I say go with the big adventure. ...
Well, I have two thoughts on this:
1. WHY are you thinking of doing it? There must be some reason you need a
change that overrides the security of your current situation or you
wouldn't even think of it. (This means you need to do it)
2. The best things I've ever done have always been the ones that scared the
shit out of me.
If you're naturally a bit cautious like I am, it usually takes a bit of
doing to head off towards something new. I'd say give it a try, maybe
Philly, maybe not, but sounds like you're ready for something new. Heck,
maybe you'd like Canada...