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Update: WOT: Motorcycle version of Scirocco...

Good deal on the bike acquisition.  If you need a manual for the Seca, you can find a .pdf file here http://www.biker.ie/forum/index.php?showtopic=214
  Good luck :)

Brian Haygood <haygood@myway.com> wrote:
Thanks for all the great replies to my WOT post of two months ago about bikes. I found a guy who says I can take his '93 Yamaha Seca II home and pay him $500 for it if I ever get it running. It was running fine until parked a couple of years ago, so should just need a carb, tank, and fuel line cleaning and whatever odds and ends. 

My brother, on the other hand, is now the proud owner of a '00 H-brand VFR 800 Interceptor. It has been supped up from the stock 94hp to a current 114hp, according to some old dyno graphs under the seat. I'm trying to convince him that it isn't a good starter bike before he gets his new tires on it and rides away. That's the bike we both have had our eyes on, and he barely decided to get one. Now that we are realizing how much more performance this particular one has, I think he should sell it and get a stock one. 

Anyway, thanks for the guidance. I took your advice fairly well all-around, I think. The air cooled 50hp engine should keep me out of trouble and be a bit less complex. 


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