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[ot] Biodiesel
fahrvergnugen@cox.net wrote:
> VW has stated you can run up to a whole 5% B.D. and not void your
> warranty. ... *rolleyes*
I don't think Allyn's Caddy is under warranty any more.
What does your place have to say about TDI scirocco3s?
Here are the TDIer discussions about all things biodiesel:
It can void your fuel system warranty, but not the whole thing. Some
people seem to fill up with dino diesel before dealering and some just
don't care. Nobody is claiming it wrecked their car even on PD engines
but a quality supplier is crucial no matter what fuel you buy.
Minnesota has mandated 2% in all pumps by October:
I have yet to hook up with these hippies:
It costs $0.50-0.75 more than normal.