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ETKA part # search?

My book ('93) says:

443 907 385 C is for:
A2 87 G
A2 85 J
4KS 85-87

443 907 385 E is for:
4KS 80-84

321 906 059 H is for:
A2 85-6 G
A2 86-7 J
MkII 8V 86-7
Fox from 87

I'm sure I can dig up one or all of those if you buy me a burrito.

If your Audi has the GTI 1.8 (MG) it is probably classed 85-87 and has 
the right part.  What month 84 is it?

Peter wrote:
> Etka 6 says use 321 906 059 H as a replacement.

Nate wrote:
> With all the copies of ETKA I have, of course I don't have it
> installed on my machine. Whodathunkit?
> Anywho, can someone run a part number for me?  I'm in need of a fuel
> pump relay for my '84 Audi 4k (1.8 FWD).  The one I have is: 443 907
> 385c
> I'm looking for a cross-application check here, I can't believe it's
> 4k only (not too many in boneyards around here).