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2.0l questions
Yeah, the plate on the 2.0L sounds like an auto tranny flex plate. For sure
if it has a starter motor ring gear on it.
ETKA lists the threads as being 10mm X 1mm pitch for both 2.0 and 1.8, but
says 10 ea bolts for the 2.0 and only 6 for the 1.8. I didn't have any
problem with bolting the pressure plate to the 2.0 crank though.
As far as the stripped allen head I assume you mean the socket for the tool
is stripped out.
hammering a 8mm triple square into the socket,
getting a vice grip on it.
taking a chisel to the side of it, create a nice groove for the chisel to
bite then break it loose.
drill out the center of it until the head falls off with a 5/16 drill bit
and remove the rest with a vice grip after removing the manifold.
From: "Chad Eatock" <ceatock@sympatico.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:38 AM
> Hey listers! Ok, so I took the clutch off the 1.8l and was going to prep
> the 2.0l for the new clutch etc.... I then noticed that on the 2.0l
> transmission side there is a large circular metal piece that is quite
> different looking than what I had taken off the 1.8l. Also the bolts that
> affix it to the motor are 12 point 17mm(maybe)?? Which sucks cuz now I
> need
> another freakin 12 point driver, and hopefully the PP bolts I ordered will
> fit into the threads! These are what I thought were pressure plate bolts
> but there is no pressure plate. Am I to assume that the 2.0l I got was
> automatic? Also, does anybody have a suggestion for removing stripped
> allen
> bolts from the lower intake?
> Chadster16v