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Baby, it's cold inside!
> Jim,
> It may work good now, and it may continue to work well, but those
> little $10 vacuum pumps do not completely evacuate the system, leaving
> traces of water vapor. That combines with the 134a and turns into a
> vicious acid (hydrocloric IIRC), and starts eating aluminum inside the
> system. What can happen is it will work great now but in a year or two
> the system will look like swiss cheese.
> Been there, done that.
While I agree with Jim from a 'so it right the first time' standpoint, I
must chime in with a data point.
When I bought the Rieger, its system was empty (atmospheric). I threw a 134a
retrofit kit in there on a whim, and it ran great for 2 years. I then got a
hair up my rear to pull a vacuum and refill it. I used one of the cheesy air
driven vacuum things. It pulled it pretty close to 30 inches. It has run for
an additional 2 years and continues to work great even today on the way home
from work.
Used the same thing on the wifes Passat 2 years ago - same story.