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[SPAM] Re: Re: Larry, I mis-spoke (Notching the piston forpower)
Ron Pieper <rapieper@yahoo.com> wrote:Yeah...but...
There's FAR more to this topic than meets the eye, especially at an uneducated level. IMO you'd
have to have significant study in to understand what, when, where, and why you want one kind of
flow (laminar, turbulent, or transitional) over another, what it does for you and against you, how
to obtain/avoid it, etc.
In the end analysis, I jes' don't know.
What I *do* know is this: unless you have comprehensive knowledge of a bunch of stuff (Reynolds
Number, Bernoulli effect, drag coefficients, the forces on moving shapes and what constitutes
their value vs. velocity, Prandtl's boundary layer, etc. etc. etc. then comparing golf balls,
intake tracts, piston crowns, boat hulls, under-vehicle cladding, dented airplanes, etc. is all
just of bunch of fairy dust.
Sorry to burst bubbles, but thems my opinions.
--- "John S. Lagnese" wrote:
> The idea may be similar to the design on the America Cup's boats. The hull's
> got something like ripples in it, almost like grooves on a record. It
> reduces surface tension and so increases speed.
> John
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