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My Mk1 importing days may be on hold... :(
Allyn wrote:
> Mark,
> some things you might be able to use as ammo before your next attempt:
> - who do those customs people answer to? someone must surely be in
> charge of ensuring they keep civil rights in check... otherwise they
> could just tell everyone to screw off and die.
The thing is they basically CAN tell ANYONE to screw off and die... I
was reminded several times today that anyone crossing can be turned back
at the officers discretion and there's nothing you can do about it. I
don't have any "rights" to enter the States. They don't have to grant
me access if they don't want to (which I don't have a problem with -
every country should have that right). My beef was that my story was
completely plausible and confirmable, and there is a history to back it
up... I have literally crossed this same border close to 100 times in
my life, and NEVER had a problem.
> - there *should* be some sort of dispute handling, other than having to
> deal with someone accusing you of everything under the sun. knowing
> their procedure better then they do will usually halp you prevail (and
> its usually not hard with a small bit of research).
I talked to a supervisor, which is about as high as I dared take the
situation. I believe if I had been interviewed by a different official
I would have been fine - this woman seemed to have it out for me the
minute I tried to tell my story. She immediately "pshawed(?)" the fax
confirmation that I presented - she didn't understand it, so she
discounted it as unimportant. There was very little respect given to
ANYONE in the office that was being interviewed - especially after the
deplorable waiting/standing room conditions and wait. The whole ordeal
left a real sour taste in my mouth...
I overheard a border guard telling someone that starting in January
every single person crossing will be screened - going into and out of
the U.S. I can't imagine the mess...