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One of you will know what this is...
I have no notion -why- it would be doing it especially with that sort of
regularity. The only thing I can suggest is to remove the relay and smell
it to see if it is burnt. You might take the cover off and look at it and
see if it is a bit fried too. But then the only thing you can do is replace
it.. :-(
Good Luck,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org
> [mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Larry Fry
> Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 7:59 AM
> To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> Subject: One of you will know what this is...
> Driving to work yesterday morning, I notice a 'tick-tock' coming from the
> dash.
> I time it to see if it's random or consistent...yep, every five seconds;
> tick-tock.
> As the miles go by and my concerns mount, I realize that, in conjunction
> with the tick-tock, there is a soft buzzing from the rear of the car.
> Every time it ticks, the buzz commences... with the 'tock', the buzzing
> ceases.
> Logic tells me that the tick-tock is the fuel pump relay and the
> buzz is one
> of the fuel pumps (the one in the tank?), but why is it doing this?
> The car ran fine....and the trip home from work was without this
> phenomena!
> I need your opinions. Is a sudden and complete shut-down immenent? Or
> should I happily ignore it until it becomes constant? I need to fix
> whatever is wrong...so, WHAT COULD BE CAUSING THIS?
> Thanks.
> Larry
> sandiego16v
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