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Removal Tips for Stuck Wheels!
> C Boyko wrote:
>>GL, and go get really ticked off with something, find some big wood, and
>>have at it.
> Question: is there a place where you could get a knife edge in between
> the wheel and something and pry? (note: knife is 1/4" to 1/2" thick,
> depending on model, and literally has a life time guaranty against
The hub centre and wheel have very little clearnce between them, and
corrosion has no doubt filled the rest of the gap. It'd be an
electrochemical thing between two metals. And then on drums, the face of
the drum gets into the action. Penetrant is about all that will fit, it'll
eventually work its way in, at least it did for me on the Cabby. (I miss
my Kroil, sob) Or maybe I hit it in just the perfect spot. It's just so
annoying, you have better things to do with your time, eh?