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golf V, not IV

when will they import the lupo/polo???  it's as big as
the golf 1 and 2 were.  here's my dream car... hold
on, i may make some enemies here- golf IV body, 2.0l
TDI, 6psd, (sort of a GTD format, like in the late
80s) hard-top cabrio.  there is a ford focus hardtop
cabrio for petes sake!!!  why no VW???
--- Kevin Collins <kcollins@type53.net> wrote:

> Eric S wrote:
> > Oh, you mean the new Civic Si, right?
> > Mk5 Golf makes me gag.
> Yeah, it's the supersize Civic Si - the Golf V is
> big as a house!!
> -- 
> Kevin Collins
> Chandler, AZ
> '86.5 16v 2.0
> '04 Golf R32
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