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Larry Fry wrote:
> I remember the day our next-door neighbor brought home the first televsion
> set on our street.
> I remember Eisenhower as President.
> I was in the Air Force when tie-dye first appeared.
> You kids....
> Larry
OK, OK. I tip my hat in thy general direction oh wise and benevolent elders.
(Goes double for Cathy.)
<big cheesy grin cause we're just playin>
- Follow-Ups:
- rocco's
- From: pilotlars at yahoo.com (Lars Bruchmann)
- rocco's
- From: roccit_53 at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (C Boyko)
- References:
- rocco's
- From: brianm at earendel.org (Brian McGarvey)
- rocco's
- From: jdbubb at ix.netcom.com (Dan Bubb)
- rocco's
- From: roccit_53 at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (C Boyko)
- rocco's
- From: tberk at sbcglobal.net (T Berk)
- rocco's
- From: roccit_53 at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (C Boyko)
- rocco's
- From: rocco16 at sbcglobal.net (Larry Fry)