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> Oh I was just kidding, I know there are a number of listers who bought
> their Sciroccos brand new. I was just trying to figure out why I got named
> as "the exception".
It wasn't about you owning a Scirocco from new. It was cause you're always working on your cars and
fixing them up! Simple as that!
Course there are several others that also work on their cars constantly and are always fixing them
up, but perhaps you're the most successful at telling the list about it. ;^)
Some of us just suck at story telling even though our cars are getting a lot of attention.
- References:
- rocco's
- From: brianm at earendel.org (Brian McGarvey)
- rocco's
- From: jdbubb at ix.netcom.com (Dan Bubb)
- rocco's
- From: roccit_53 at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (C Boyko)
- rocco's
- From: tberk at sbcglobal.net (T Berk)
- rocco's
- From: roccit_53 at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (C Boyko)