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mk1 electrical gremlins - alternator specific (...I think)
Jeff Toomasson wrote:
> My grey 81S (thee of the broken alternator tensioner bolt) doesn't get a whole
> lotta love with my project swallowing up every ounce of free time.
> I got it pretty much as it stands today w/ the PO having done a lot of the work
> (mostly decent, some not-so). Basically, the car runs what I think is a stock
> style 8v alt (quite possibly a piddly 55A from a non-A/C car), and it has an
> H4/H1 combo (bulb wattage unknown) that is definitely NOT relayed. The car also
> runs a fuel enrichment device that seems to starve under lower voltages (as
> evidenced by the A/F ratio gauge).
> ANYWAY - the car has a voltmeter installed and only runs around +12.1V when NO
> accessories are used. Flip on the lights and I'm lucky to get >10V. Suffice it
> to say that the battery is a POS, but I'm not gonna fork out $$ for another
> until I get the damn alternator upgraded or figure out the solution. I do have
> a 90A alt but it's already been installed on my ABA rebuild that was for the
> project. I had hoped it would stay there...My questions are these:
> 1) Should I be focusing on the grounds instead?
This is Job one, actually I was going to nominate the relay issue, but I
digress. The reason grounds (and the hot side too) is so important is
because it's the foundation you build on, electrical wise. It's suppose
to be rock solid and forgotten. Instead it is a discomfort and a place
for retrofitting.
No matter what your load (current draw) will end up being the best use
of it is at the point of work and not overcoming resistance inline.
> 2) How much difference would relaying the lights help?
A whole bunch. Relay kits can be had from Walmart/K-Mart of all places,
although a little bit more (and I do mean little) you can go with a good
gauge wire and real Bosch relays.
> 3) Barring the above two (in the interest of fixing it quickly as it's my DD
> for this week), how much would the 90A alt help?
> Thanks a bunch!
> JT
It'll fix problems by overcoming them with raw power.
The problems will still be there but may not be a practical problem
anymore because the symptom has been suppressed. But higher current (w/
reduced voltage) can make for burnt out light switches so again we are
back to the relays.
Step One: Clean and coat the batter terminals, The main Alt connector,
the ground strap to chassis connection and add a strap from the CASE of
the Alt to the block (valve cover bolts are handy).
Add a set of relays to the lights when you can, they can be bought
premade, I think ND has a good example.
Or you can go the Jameco route for Max Geek Points:
Hmmm, a look around the site doesn't look like they had the rest of the
stuff I was after to fab up the Cat's Meow.
Aaaaannnnyway, do dat stuff, do dat stuff.
Blessed Be the Electron, that it may Flow.