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VLE Option-6 Dream tranny
- Subject: VLE Option-6 Dream tranny
- From: rocco16 at sbcglobal.net (Larry)
- Date: Fri May 28 08:30:18 2004
- References: <86.d03bba0.2de847d2@aol.com>
Glad to hear something positive about the guy, but could the fact that you
ARE friends have anything to do with your successful business dealings with
> Vince is an easy target.
> For some reason, he is either lightning quick at filling orders or slow as
> hell.
> I know him. Consider him a friend. BEEN to his house (he's also been to
> mine)-- even met the wife and the kids..
> I can only offer that he HAS stood 100% behind ALL of OUR business
> And BTW--for reference--I HAVE WELL over five thousand dollars of
> receipts as testimony...
> Know anyone ELSE willing to sell you a fully assembled custom ratio 020 6
> speed for $1700?
> I have my Option-6--and it's going in the 77....
> Danny