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Front-end vibration?

Well I did this to a buddy-mechanic, and he states it's the inner cv joint..
DOH! I guess remans cv joint (even newly built) can suck at times..

ATS - Patrick Bureau - Canuck in Texas

-----Original Message-----
From: David Utley [mailto:mr.utility@highstream.net] 
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:26 AM
To: ats@longcoeur.com; Patrick Bureau
Cc: Allyn; ats@longcoeur.com; stetson@unrealexpectations.ath.cx; 'scirocco
Subject: Re: Front-end vibration?

Quoting Patrick Bureau <longcoeur@yahoo.com>:
> One note that may indicate a problem, when I had the
> car tested for emission on the roller machine, the car
> moved up and down on the right side on the rolling
> machine, the tech told me it was probably a bad cv
> joint, but I have replaced it since, along with shocks
> and springs since.... maybe this last clue (if you
> actualy read all my mumbo jumbo thoughs) is the key,
> maybe I need to ask my buddy at teh test center to
> slap it back on the roller to see if it is still doing
> it. (unable to determin if it does it when I drive
> (not like the hod raises or not when I drive it, but
> on the roller it moved up/down about 1/2-1")

That's it right there...  More than likely someone has already offered a 
comment on this, however I think that is your trouble.  The hub-centric
the wheel, or the tire is out of round...  Put the sucker up on jacks, and 
carefully put the car in 4th or 5th and see where the vibration is from 
underneath...  All the usual fine print included, don't do this unless you 
know what you are doing, etc. etc...

Good Luck,

David Utley
Cable Volkswagen