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Cincy is Coming (I will be prepared)


Just like Doug mention below. We will be leaving on
friday morning with the intentions of meeting with the
group that is leaving DE at 9am. Mike and I are still
figuring out the time schedules for leaving.

It is sorta of a challenge as Doug is in Owens Mills,
Im in Balto City (Canton/Highlandtown) and well mike
is out in BFE ;)

I sent you an email on this matter. With all the crap
that has been happening (with emails with viri)it is
no surprice if you did not get it or even deleted it
by not reconizing my emial ady.

Hit me back of line for more details, on how to find
me and so that you too can get on caravan.

This goes for anyone else heading to Cincy from the MD


--- Doug Conyers <dcblues@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Derrick,
> Cincy is June 4-6
> I believe there is 3 people coming from MD, me being
> one of them.  We are 
> leaving Fri morning.
> The plan so far is to take 70 all the way there and
> trying to meet with the 
> DE/PA/NJ group at the 70/76 junction.
> Tony and Mike are the others that I know of that are
> going.
> Tony (neptuno) neptunonc@yahoo.com
> Mike Smith smithma7@yahoo.com
> -Doug

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