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tranny swap question

>From: "ATS - Patrick Bureau" <ats@longcoeur.com>
>Reply-To: <ats@longcoeur.com>
>To: "'C Boyko'" <roccit_53@hotmail.com>,<scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>CC: <itsboyko@hotmail.com>
>Subject: RE: tranny swap question
>Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 06:43:43 -0500
>Well looking at the Etka : JEU/87/03/00/300-00
>I see available for 5c speed transmissions for this car 9A/AGB/AGS/ACH/CAN
>Now from the looks of it some are for 8v and some are 16v, basically if you
>have an 8v Jetta the FF should slip right in, if the AGS is an 020 tranny,
>which I cannot confirm nor deny (scirocco.org is down again..) but seeing 
>9A and AGB trannies are, the only immediate problem I see at this point is
>that all of those trannies are 100m flanges and the FF is a 90mm
>ATS - Patrick Bureau - Canuck in Texas

AGS is a diesel tranny, and would have th 90mm flanges. But Drew said 
something about the bolt holes at the back on the earlier 8V trannies, 
(presuming it was for the rear mount) but I deleted it...just wanting to 
make sure the 80's FF will bolt up okay into an A2 before we go ahead and 
drop it.

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