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OT: Microwang (was: Re: EVERYONE PLEASE READ !!!)
On Fri, 7 May 2004, Calimus wrote:
> I think what Patrick was trying to say basicly, is that everyone on the
> list needs to check their shit. Once done, any e-mail he continues to
IMHO, the people that need to fix their shit are Microsoft.
I mean, come on, their operating systems are not just being used for
Solitaire anymore. We've got banks and 911 systems running Windows now,
for lack of familiarity with any other option. It's pretty scary,
They need to stop selling code that's as full of holes as swiss cheese.
They have a responsibility to the public, IMO.
Oh wait.. I guess from a business angle they don't have to do anything
since they bought out all their competition. Boy I love it when antinerds
get to call the shots.
It's analagous to them being the only car manufacturer and only selling 2
or 3 car models, all of them notoriously rollover-prone SUVs. The
government should intervene before cyberidiots bring the whole country to
its knees by remotely deleting every Windows installation.