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Installed 120 amp Audi Alternator
- Subject: Installed 120 amp Audi Alternator
- From: yoscirocco at hotmail.com (daniel savatteri)
- Date: Thu May 6 23:20:52 2004
Your not affraid of any dash lights or anything urning up? I would really
like to put anther alt with a little more current in my car, I think it
would start nicer in ther cold.
>--- Don Walter <dswalterwi@earthlink.net> wrote:
> > The result, the volt meter almost pegged the needle
> > at 14 volts and my lights almost burned a hole in
> > the side of the garage.
>A$$ kicking alternators rule!!
> This alternator kicks out some serious
> > amperage. The car ran better too, quicker throttle
> > response.
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