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[OT] My Other DD VW Car - not really ot

> Ooh, ooh. Brain flash: looking at the back of the bus, envision an eight 
> cylinder motor; shaped like a capital X laying on it's side. Each leg of 
> the X is a pair of cylinders- two cylinders on the top right, two more 
> below, and four on the left side too. Maybe a 15 degree separation  between
> the upper and lower banks (That'll need modeling to find the  right
> degree.)

I don't think this motor configuration would work as well as you think it 
might. One of the main premises behind the physics of the internal combustion 
engine is that all moving parts experience the same forces.

If I understand this correctly, the pistons facing down would be less powerful 
than those facing up in the x-config because the combustion would be pushing 
the piston against gravitational pull yielding less output per unit of fuel 

Did that make sense? Though, I will admit the last time I tried to explain 
physics on the list, I explained something 100% opposite of the correct way!!  
LOL :p