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I'm glad everything is coming together on your end of this. Sometimes you just have to crack the whip to get people's attention. Try telling my 13 yr old something important when her mouth is open... doesn't work. Maybe I should carry a box of those little snap caps (the white paper sperm looking ones) and toss one when I want her attention?
'86 red 16v
Dan Smith <sad_rocc@yahoo.com> wrote:
Ok, first off I want to apologize for my harshness. What started at as an okay week went quickly downhill into a very bad one. Regardless, I shouldn't have taken it out on you guys and I apologize for it. However, it worked. Everyone has responded and payment is filtering in. For those of you who mailed me something, it takes about a week for mail to get to me from the east coast, I will let you know when it does arrive. Chad, please let me know if you are still planning on paypaling or if you are planning on mailing the money.
In other news, the sites will be reregistered under their caretakers names. Rhett, Tony and Drew (right Drew? If so, I need your mailing addy) have offered to be in charge of a site. Guys, I need to know if you have a site preference. We have 34, 35, 37. These will be the guys to contact when you decide what site you'd like to be on. I will send out the registration cards to them and then they will have to photocopy and send them out to you, because I'm pretty sure you need them to get on site. Also, they'll be the ones to keep track of how many cars are on a site, so be sure to ask them if there's space for your car when the time comes. If there's any questions, feel free to ask.
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word (wûrd)
interj. Slang. Used to express approval or an affirmative response to something. Sometimes used with up. Source
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