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FS: Cali Edition (update)

Jeff Toomasson wrote:

> I'm 90% going to put this on e-bay next week - but I REALLY would
> like to see it go to someone on the list. I just saw another Cali in
> the yards today spray-painted bright yellow like something out of
> "Corvette Summer". WTF??! Absolutely pisses me off...they're dropping
> like flies.

I wonder what happened to the BEAUTIFUL one that was at ND 2001 with a 
for sale sign on it?  Nobody from the .org knew the owner, and he 
apparently didn't know what he had because he was unsure of his asking 
price.  The thing was clean as hell.  Hopefully it ain't the one doing 
the Luke Skywalker imitation in the yard..

Here's a pic of the one I'm talking about...


Speaking of ND - who's going this year?  Anybody on the list from the 
southwest coming from the Arizona/New Mexico area?

Kevin Collins
Chandler, AZ
'86.5 16v 2.0
'02 GTI 337