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wanted: bosch technical instruction series books
I have the CIS-E one...
David Utley
Quoting Allyn <amalventano@sc.rr.com>:
> ok, heres the deal. these books:
> http://www.bentleypublishers.com/resource.htm?subject=5
> are pretty much out of print:
> <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index%3Daps%26field-
> there was one for each bosch injection type. so if you have some of em lying
> about, give em up so i can scan em and post em to all. those tech books are
> rumored to have the 'nitty gritty' numbers and values for those of us
> tweaking the heck out of our roccos.
> also, it may be good to note that the bosch automotive handbook:
> http://www.bentleypublishers.com/product.htm?code=h005&subject=5
> is now available on cd-rom:
> http://www.bentleypublishers.com/product.htm?code=h902&subject=5
> which is pretty sweet. wonder if anyone has one... well, the cd i mean,
> heck, even i have the book version.
> thanks in advance for the read.
> Al
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David Utley
Cable Volkswagen