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Cowan Lake WAS: Cincy Info / Questions
A quick look makes it appear that you can have as many tents as you want, but a max of 6 people and 2 cars per site. However, extra cars can be parked in the visitor lot (overnite even) and I don't think there's a fee.
Scourge <scourge@cogeco.ca> wrote:
Myself and Rob Cotner were also going to slit on a campsite........if we
can have 3 tents to one site, then there's room for one more, lol.
Contact me off list if interested.......
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Smith"
To: "car"
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: Cowan Lake WAS: Cincy Info / Questions
> I'll share a site with someone, at state parks you can usually have 3
tents on a site. Can't share a tent though, I only have a small dome tent
and I may have Spud the Wonder Pug with me as well. I have a small table top
grill I would bring (propane). Can bring beer as well, Colorado seems to be
the land of microbrews. So we have what, 4 people into the camping thing?
Rhett, me, Mike and Tim? Anyone else?
> Dan
> Mike Smith wrote:
> Well sir, I have no tent as of yet, but do plan on getting a nice big one
very soon as the wife and I love to camp. Speaking of which, she will not be
in attendance, although I am trying to get this kid I used to work with to
run co-pilot for me. He's into air cooled dubs. In fact, he bought my dad's
> At any rate, I'm looking to purchase a tent that should hold 5 comfortably
(me, wife, kids, maybe dogs... ie: BIG). I would gladly offer a bunk to
share in the cost of a camp site. Wait, did you say beer? I'll bring a
> Mike
> ps. Whenever I mention this excursion to her, I get rolled eyes and a look
that means "You're a dork!" Oh well, she just needs to spend more time in
the rocco instead of her Trailblazer.
> stetson wrote:
> It LOOKS like it could be as Mapquest shows this:
> And the park map shows this:
> http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/parks/parks/pdf/cowanmap.pdf
> So it looks as if all the camping spots are on the North side of the lake
> (next to the beach and everything. By the way, guests are allowed until
> 10p).
> Bonus!!
> But NOW when I look up the cost per night it's @ $18 per.
> Say Mike, Gotta tent? Wanna split the cost of a site?
> If you are S.O.-less and stuff, I've got the wife waffling on whether she
> can afford the off time (still trying to get her into the whole VW thing,
> she has this thing for Cavaliers....Ewwwwww!), but if she sticks to her
> guns I'll be a loner that is not too socially unpalatable and will have
> BEER (such a magic word that).
> I think most of my food for the wknd is going to be fast and cheap (e.g.
> I will NOT be bringing a grill.....won't have the room, and I can't
> stomach MRE's).
> Still looks wide open for camping spots in most of the areas for that
> time, and it also has the LAKE w/ the BEACH! Might make for a nice mid day
> getaway to cool off (depending on ambient temps).
> Your local noise maker,
> Tim
> If you live to the age of a hundred you have it made because very few
> people die past the age of a hundred.
> -- George Burns
> On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Daun Yeagley wrote:
> >
> > --- stetson wrote:
> >
> > > COWAN LAKE STATE PARK, on the other hand, has both
> > > electric and
> > > Daun, would this be prohibitively far from anything, most
> > > importantly,
> > > your abode?
> >
> > I'm trying to remember which side of the lake it's on...
> > if it's on the south side it's probably a 15 minute drive,
> > shorter from the north side.
> >
> word (wûrd)
> interj. Slang. Used to express approval or an affirmative response to
something. Sometimes used with up. Source
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