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PSsst I have a vin and title for a 77 scirocco.

now what ya gonna trade me for it :) Eh ?

ATS - Patrick Bureau 
AIM: texasscirocco - Yahoo: atsgtx - ICQ: 32918816 - MSN: atsgtx@hotmail.com

----- Original Message -----
The owner is having trouble finding the title.  Here's the story:

He bought it from a guy that bought it at an auction (Salvation Army
auction) for $100, and got the title mailed to him.  He never
transferred the title into his name from the guy that got it at the

Now the title is missing (still might be found - his wife is looking for
it... :D)

I followed a link on the Secretary of State website for MO, and found a
page describing how to get a duplicate title:


BUT, since the title wasn't in his name, I'm not sure what he can do

What are my options?  I need a title to get it cleared at customs.

What about swapping the VIN plate from a junk 77 and using it's title?
Anyone have a 77 parts car with a clear title?


80 S
81 S  2.0 ABA/JH/4K

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