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Interstate Rescue Squad
Aw 'cmon, I get all my best action at rest stations!
A not so interesting side note, I actualy used the AIRS rescue dealibumps. My brother and I were driving his '78 westie from sanfran to KY and it sucked a valve in utah... One of the dudes let us use is garage, lift, and airtools. Good shit.
Calimus <calimus@techography.net> wrote:
I don't think I saw any movement on this thread. TB, was this a hint
that maybe we should start something like this up, or was it the tribute
to one of the rescue sqauds members recently being murdered?
I've know about the rescusquad for a few years now as several of the
local aircooled guy's in my area are members. I also think that someone
tried to do something like this for the list a year or so ago and it
didn't get anyway. Would be nice to try again though.
If you were talking about the unfortunate tradgety that happened, it's
very sad, but it just goes to show that rest area's should only be used
for taking a leak and maybe not even that at night. If you need to
catch a few hours sleep, find a hotel and crash in the parkinglot, or
even a super market or something like that. The less weirdo's you can
attract the better.
T Berk wrote:
> OK, go here, then come back...
> TBerk
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