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Cincy Info / Questions
Roughin' it too.
With costs that I have burdened myself w/ lately (and _I_ am fully to
blame for ALL of them) and since the woman does not wish to accompany me
to the festivities, I think that for the cost of 1 night in the Ramada I
can easily score a tent, air matress, 12v voltage converter and supply
of rechargable AA's for the personal CD player. (Can you say, "Vying for
the cheapass catagory"? ;^} )
Personal hygine concerns can be addressed by local waterways or a faucet @
the campgraound (more research is needed in this area I think. Just cause
in that if I choose to rough it shouldn't mean that others olafactory
senses should suffer for my attendance).
I'll be doing a little 'Net digging to see what might be closest, w/ best
amenities, etc. etc. and post up results. But don't expect them til
tomorrow, as I'm @ the place that pays me money to do something akin to
work (that is why my fingers are stained blue right now, I HATE cleaning
the crappy print cartidge cleaning reservoirs of HP inkjet printer!!!!).
<Research UPDATE>
Well Daun, you have yet again gone quite out of your way to be
hospitable to fellows of German motive insanity. You are correct there is
ample camping in the area but I don't think I'm choosing Thousand Trails
if I have my druthers.
The reason being:
Special Camping Adventure for New Guests
Get 4 Days and 3 Nights of Complimentary Camping!
Be our guest for three nights of RV or tent camping by submitting the form
below. While visiting, you need only attend a fun and informative
90-minute seminar describing our terrific membership program. Other rules
and restrictions apply.
Items in Red are required fields. Be sure to click "submit" after
completing the form.
First Name:
Last Name:
Work Phone:
Best Time to Have a Representative Contact You:
The retail value of this complimentary
camping is $84. You will be required to attend a fun and informative
presentation regarding our membership offerings lasting approximately 90
minutes. If married, both husband and wife, or significant other, must
attend the presentation together. The recipient is responsible for payment
of any government imposed taxes directly related to the service being
provided and any personal expenses incurred when utilizing this offer.
This advertising is being
used for the purpose of soliciting sales of resort campground memberships.
Campground membership prices range from $4,995 to $9,995.This offer may be
changed or discontinued without notice. This offer is not available to
residents of IA, MA, MN, MS, MT, NE, NH, SD, UT or WI.
Nope......not interested. I can rebuild ALL my Rocs brand new for that and
it sounds like a weekend full of high pressure sales.
Just a word out to other intrepid campers that they might want to pass on
the phone call.
COWAN LAKE STATE PARK, on the other hand, has both electric and
non-electric camping available for $15/$18 dollars respectively with lake
access, shower facilities, drinking water, and playground. The average
distance to each of these amenities is 150yds from the campsite and quiet
hours are from 10p to 8a.
Go here:
to book a site.
Don't look at the cottages though, they're as expensive as
the Ramada.
Daun, would this be prohibitively far from anything, most importantly,
your abode?
A woman can never be too rich or too thin.
On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Mike Smith wrote:
> Just called them... they're sold out that weekend, but have 14 rooms left in the .org block (as of 1:15pm EST, Wed). $89/night (single or double).
> Me? I'm roughin' it!
> [UPDATE] Speaking of roughin' it, who else has the same idea in mind? Would be nice to camp next to other .orgers. And this being my first Cincy, can the other campers (if there are any) tell me which of the mentioned campsites is closest, etc.?
> And Daun, two questions: 1) Where the heck are you out there (so I can check out the camping situations for myself) and 2) How the heck do you pronounce your name?!? Been buggin me since I joined the list!
> Mike
> '86 red 16v
> Daun Yeagley <vwdaun@yahoo.com> wrote:
> First of all, the hotel block is set up at the Ramada
> again. Book your room asap - they're held until May 14
> only. Mention Scirocco.org to get the somewhat discounted
> rate. The Ramada's phone number is (937) 283-3200.
> word (w?rd)
> interj. Slang. Used to express approval or an affirmative response to something. Sometimes used with up. Source
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.
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