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An offering for Cincy!! With Poll
- Subject: An offering for Cincy!! With Poll
- From: tim at unrealexpectations.ath.cx (stetson)
- Date: Tue Mar 23 15:30:49 2004
K then.
Be warned......LONG post, but it'll probably be worth your while to read.
Been thinking about this since last week. It came on me like a fever dream
born of some small central american country, and sensability has not
caught up with enthusiasm and clubbed it like the baby seal it is.
So after agonizing about things, I've decided to twist the knife stuck
into the bank account once again (there goes the P&P this year,....sigh).
I was considering that since this would be my first contact in person with
those other attendees from the list that I might like to have something to
mollify the negative impression I'm sure I've created w/ my noise on the
You folks like beer?
Now....... before you get images of me loading up cases of Busch Light
into the back of my Roc, (GOD FORBID!!!! It's like using the scircocco as
a junkyard beater to get MOPAR parts. Sheesh! I will have no truck w/
such blasphemy!), let me say that this will not be the case (pun intended).
I was the asst. brewmaster (beer snob) for a reputable and still in
business microbrewery in my area for it's first 2 1/2 yrs. of operation
and left with a deep appreciation of many brewed styles (well, actually, I
already had the appreciation, It's how I got the job).
I am also on good terms with a local brewery and might be able to finagle
a custom brew for the crew here (but I will have to find out if I can
weasel into the production schedule).
O.K......the production schedule has been checked and there is no room at
the Inn.
But everyone has priorities, and making a decent buck is winning out over
a last minute favor request (go figure), so I will have to get the nearest
style to the poll winner. (see below)
So I have a few questions for those planning Cincy attendance.
You folks like a particular style?
The choices would be:
Pale Ale
Hefe Weizen/Wheat beer
Feel free to chime in w/ a style that is not represented and if you can
get enough folks behind you it will be attempted.
Errrr....WOULD have been. Now I'll just have to do a small run at home for
bottles and will be my choice of flavor since the amounts won't be
stupendous, just stuporous.
I'm thinking Dopple Bock in the bottles to emulate the spirit of the
Scirocco; something small that has MUCH more kick than you would think it
should have.
The polls will be open about 4 days but then closed as serious time
pressure to get this done in time will be involved.
Email me off list with something like "Mmmmmmm...... Beer" in the subject
line, the word BEER being the important part.
Time pressure alleviated and schtuff. Deadline is still 4 days from
post though.
Would you be adverse to kegs instead of bottles?
Kegs should last the evening and create much less mess in my opinion plus
be less expendature on my end. All you need to do is bring your favorite
imbibing vessel. Plus it's just easier to transport. I can afford 2
1/2 barrel (15.5 Gal./58.6L per) kegs worth of such madness.
Think that's too little/too much? It's all I can afford to give away and
fit in my Roc so if'n you want more you'll have to step up to the plate.
The upside of more would be that different styles could be represented for
different tastes.
Speaking of which, anybody going to be going through the Rock
Island/Moline IL area on their way to Cincy and like to help w/ transport?
Rhett?..... Buehler?......Anyone?
Another question is do any of you intrepid folk have a nice tapper system?
The brewery will lend me a nice CO2 driven one for $75 w/ a $50 dep.
refund but I'd hope that I wouldn't need to worry about the air/beer
interaction cause it would be gone too soon (plus the CO2 tank is bulky
in and of itself. Not sure if it's legal for me to transport interstate
either). So if anyone has a hand pump air system it would be MUCH appreciated.
This will be free of charge (the beer in kegs. I'm considering a small run
of bottles of brew for commemerative value but it will be very limited and
I would have to charge for them, but only for cost on a per bottle
basis. A man can only afford so much good will).
Well since the big toys are unavailable the bottles are still being
thought about but on a MUCH smaller scale and without industy
standardization as to little things like bottle size, bottle color, logo
caps, etc. etc.
The kegs are still going to happen, it's just I didn't brew them.
Things being as such, the kegs may be dubbed "A1(one) Ale", "Cracked Dash
Stout", "Rain Tray Pilsner" or some such silliness and the Scirocco
moniker will be saved for something w/ a little more personal involvement.
Donations will be MOST GLADLY accepted, but not expected OR necessary for
And lastly, would you folks welcome such an offering?
>From what I've seen on the list, a few of you have noted enjoyment
of beer with FLAVOR vs. the pale swill available at any corner "Git and
Most notable was Anson's recent complaint of corruption by the far
northern listers coming down, plying us other NA (North American NOT
naturally aspirated) denizens with their potent beverages, and stealing
away a most precious commodity of the VW type.
I dig that type of corruption! (Although I doubt I'll be able to make out
as handsomely as they!)
I'm trying to get in touch with the brewmaster of a local brewery to see
about using the brewery for the deed (at least the tiny test kettles made
out of old kegs) but he's been out with the flu and so this is "pie in the
sky" at the moment.
Been there, done that. If you haven't the gist by now, start at the
beginning and pay special attention the potions surrounded by greater
than/less than symbols.
<Begin redundancy>
# If you have something better to do, skip this part. It's mostly covered
# above. If not, read if you wish, but it's pretty dry. There is pertinent
# content below this part though.
Now, as I mentioned this will take a considerable amount of time and not a
small amount of effort, and I do want to mention that I may not be able to
get everything necessary for such a offering happening in time for me to
be able to bring it (the idea struck me like a blot, I mean bolt, of
lightening yesterday and I'm scrambling to get my ducks in a row so this
might be possible) soooooo.....
IF I can't get a custom brew happening I will bring kegs (I think 2 half
barrels is all I can cram in the back of the Lexicar) of the closest
approximation to the requested style available from above said
This will be my offering to the group as my Scirocco knowledge is far down
the totem pole and my Roc will be a Scirocco but not much more
noteworthy than that.
Just thought it might be nice to have a Scirocco beer to enjoy at a
Scirocco event.
All this being said I do want you to know that this has been cleared with
our most venerable host Daun off list and has received his blessing, or
at least compliance, or vote of acceptablility, or promise not to turn me
in to the authorities for illegal interstate transport (Can you say,
"Weird Smokey and the Bandit wish fulfilment scenario"? I thought you
So.....any willing test subjects <ahem>, I mean listers in for casting a
<begin self authored signiture>
".....and you may say to yourself, 'My GOD, what have I done!'"
Talking Heads "Once in a Lifetime"