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[OT] Opinions on HVLP paint systems needed...
I've noticed the same thing, Mark .
Don't know if you hit the Vortex much - but there's a forum for Auto Body
Work/Restoration. I've decent success there in the past.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark" <mardak@cogeco.ca>
To: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: [OT] Opinions on HVLP paint systems needed...
> I'm thinking of buying an Accuspray HVLP paint system on Ebay, but would
> like some input on how these units compare to traditional paint systems
> from someone that's used both. Any brand names I should stay away from?
> None of the paint pros I've talked to locally have ever used a HVLP
> setup.
> I don't have a compressor big enough to handle a traditional paint gun,
> and the "standalone-ness" and portability of the HVLP system is a big
> plus for me...
> BTW, I've noticed in the years that I've been around here that there
> doesn't seem to be ANY autobody pros on the list. Are there any of you
> out there in lurk mode? If so, speak up! There's a "hole" in the
> list's knowledge base that needs fillin'... :)
> Mark.
> 75
> 80 S
> 81 S 2.0 ABA/JH/4K
> ---
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