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Boycott Houseofeuro
I agree with Al 100%. Mind you - I have dealt with Josh back before things
got out of control and had a smooth transaction. BUT - I have also dealt
with Dirk - Dirk absolutely epitomizes the good will that many on this
list take for granted. Seriously - this saint actually offered to send me
another rear euro bumper for merely the cost of shipping when my 16v was
rear-ended two weeks after the bumpers were installed. Think Josh would
make that offer?
Does the bashing of Josh need to be aired out here? Maybe not (though I
think it does because he still participates like he's a welcome member of
the community). But I have absolutely NO problem marketing a collection
for him and I will galdly contribute $20+ of my own. I am totally
confident that those who have had conversations with Dirk feel the same.
What really is the bottom line to me is that when one starts a business,
that person has to accept a certain level of responsibility - that means
dealing with all the tools, as well as the good customers, Josh.
All I've heard and read about this smacks of witness protection program.
My $0.02 - JT
>> If Dirk needs/wants you to fight his battles, let him ask you.
> he shouldnt have to, and if he did, (given your last post), you might
> be among those calling him 'whiney'.
>> And setting up a collection? You've got to be kidding me. Dirk isn't
> living on the street because of this.
> perhaps not, but $2400 isnt exactly pocket lint, ya know. i've bought
> half of my sciroccos for less (yes, whole cars).
>> I highly doubt he's going to stop selling euro parts to everyone else
> because of this.
> you know, im shocked that he IS still selling euro parts to THE LIST.
> most of his sales are to listers. sure there is the occasional listing
> on ebay, but i'd bed more of his sales have gone to this list. he
> doesnt usually do large orders. it is not his business. he pretty much
> just does it for his own personal gratification.
>> Just keep the list civil (or at least it's normal level of civility).
> i dont see any *real* flaming going on here, just some efforts to make
> things right. if those who have worked with dirk in the past kick the
> guy a few bucks, we could make this right. is it screwed up that we are
> picking up Joshs screw-up? - yes. is it the right thing to do? - i
> think so. i wouldnt expect him to ask for this sort of thing. its
> something that others should do. i would have expected Josh to come to
> the list *much earlier* asking for assistance, but this has not
> happened.
>> Dan
> Al
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