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26k mile Scirocco on ebay

Yeah did the digifiz thing, was ncie, but got tired of the KMH display...

So I tracked down an 88 cluster with white faces and blue led's :) that is
what the prowler is sporting nowadays.. I like those clusters

ATS - Patrick Bureau -  Web site :
AIM: texasscirocco - Yahoo: atsgtx - ICQ: 32918816 - MSN: atsgtx@hotmail.com
See what I am selling today on eBay: http://tinyurl.com/22e5b


->-----Original Message-----
->From: scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org 
->[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces@scirocco.org] On Behalf Of Krazy Horse
->Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 3:50 AM
->To: scirocco-L@scirocco.org
->Subject: Re: 26k mile Scirocco on ebay
->Then again, the only ones to come with those clusters were 
->the 88's. I have one that I might be looking to get rid of 
->soon, but I still have to install the DIGIFITZ first (I do 
->have in my postion)...
->"Nightmare" '88 16v (PG-T Proj.)
->"Calypso" '91 Golf GL (Daily Driver)
->>From: "calimus" <calimus@techography.net>
->>To: <Captnbr@aol.com>,<scirocco-L@scirocco.org>
->>Subject: Re: 26k mile Scirocco on ebay
->>Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 01:02:25 -0500
->>Thats was a one year only 88' cluster.  I think the Jetta's 
->and GTI's 
->>after that got them as well, but in the rocco's the 88' year 
->model was 
->>the only one to get those.  It's a pain to find replacements too as 
->>I've managed to find 2 so far so I could make one good 
->working cluster.
->>----- Original Message -----
->>From: <Captnbr@aol.com>
->>To: <scirocco-L@scirocco.org>
->>Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:24 AM
->>Subject: Re: 26k mile Scirocco on ebay
->> > Yes, that is a very clean rocco.  But the skeptic in me noticed
->> > may be wrong but thats not a Scirocco 16v instrument cluster.  It 
->> > only
->> > up to 140, and the gas gauge and coolant temp gauge are 
->in the wrong
->> > there is no upshift light either.
->> >
->> >
->> > Brian 86 16v
->> > 98 Jetta GLX Vr6
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