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Alleged fastest numbers and poor comments...
If one is appointing oneself as the 'truth police', then perhaps one ought
to demonstrate why one should recieve the job?
You have unloaded on me a few times, and some of those times I have deserved
it. Howeverto be blunt, your approach sucks. You may be bright, you might be
certified (or certifiable, dunno :-)), but I, nor the other folks on here
deserve the tone that you often sling. You told me in a private email that
you don't have time to reply to every comment that I may throw out on your
comments. That is fine, however, if the comment is worth making, then it is
worth explaining. That is why we are all here, to learn or to educate. The
comment you offered below seems to indicate that you have less of a desire to
educate, than to correct. I apologize if my tone here is piss-poor as well,
but I felt I had to say it...
Rant mode disabled...
David Utley
Quoting Dan Bubb <jdbubb@ix.netcom.com>:
> Nice dream!
> Puuuuuleeasse stop!!!!!!!!
> Get your instruments (tach and speedo) calibrated.
> Guys with 16V's making 120-130 whp are getting 130MPH.
> Did you read the part about power being proportional to V^3??
> To go 10% faster you need 33% more power. You don't have 33% more power than
> anything but a stock
> 1.8 JH. That ought to get you ~120 if you're lucky.
> One more thing. If you're actually attaining 6600 RPM at your top speed then
> you're way past your
> power peak and you don't have 102 cause your power is dropping off rapidly.
> Just look at your dyno
> runs.
> Hate to be pissy, but wake up.
> Dan
> just tired of some of the ridiculous claims!
David Utley
Cable Volkswagen