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torn- need input
I agree with Jeff and Patrick, but the first question is who owns the cars, and what do they want
to have done with them? Obviously, if the estate (probably under control of your friends parents)
owns them, then it may be too touchy to raise.
If that issue has been settled and you are free to to with the cars as you wish, I'd use the
automobile organ donor program to build a tribute car for your use, and destroy the remains.
HTH, and sorry you're in this bad position.
--- Jeff Toomasson <jtoomasson@yahoo.com> wrote:
> If I were in their position, I would want you to have them to do whatever
> you want. If your choice was to part them out versus building a sweet
> Scirocco, then fine; just so long as some stranger (vs. a friend) doesn't
> make money off it. With that said, I would still prefer you build a hybrid
> from the two cars so that their spirit lives on.
> Good luck, buddy -
> Jeff
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