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Way OT: Even farther OT: Cable channels was: Pimpin' My Ride
L F wrote:
> Hmmmmm. What is VH1/CMT/BET? Are they other music stations?
> Larry
In case you are not joking;
VH1 = Video Hits One, at the time it was started it was a music
television 'channel' for an older crowd than MTV. Now they are seemingly
CMT? I'll have to Google that one. Ah, All your answers b'long to us:
BET = Black Entertainment Television. Self Explanatory. See link above.
All these are to be found on Cable TV choices across the US if not North
American continent. I am not an expert (although I play one on the
Internet) but I understand there are European version of at least MTV if
not the others.
btw- if BET is too slick for your tastes you should check out Soul Beat
out of Oakland California. (Think 'Wayne's World' done by Black folks.)
:]) Only less tongue in cheek.
btw, I saw the beginning of the HiJet make over, as in it's intro but
after the guy drives away I missed the rest.